Grace Extending

christ the redeemer is a statue of jesus christ in rio de janeiro ...


My hope is that every single Sunday at Way of Grace, the message (and all we do) exalts Jesus Christ. But it was also a privilege a couple of weeks ago to 'zero in', during our study of the Five Solas, on solus Christus, "Christ alone". Scripture teaches us, the gospel declares, we are, by God's grace, redeemed by and now stand in Christ alone.

For many, the phrase "in Christ alone" reminds them of the beautiful song by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty (from 2002)(opening line: "In Christ alone, my hope is found; He is my light, my strength, my song.). But there is an older song by the same name (from 1991), one that many may still remember. I wanted to reprint those lyrics, since they are equally powerful, and wonderfully complement that recent message. Take time to meditate on these words. Let them shape your prayers, that God would grant you this same heart, this same vision.


In Christ alone will I glory 
Though I could pride myself in battles won 
For I've been blessed beyond measure 
And by His strength alone I overcome 
Oh, I could stop and count successes 
Like diamonds in my hand 
But those trophies could not equal 
To the grace by which I stand

In Christ alone I place my trust 
And find my glory in the power of the cross 
In every victory let it be said of me 
My source of strength, my source of hope 
Is Christ alone

In Christ alone will I glory 
For only by His grace I am redeemed 
Only His tender mercy 
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need 
Now I seek no greater honor 
Than just to know Him more 
And to count my gains but losses 
To the glory of the Lord

In Christ alone I place my trust 
And find my glory in the power of the cross 
In every victory let it be said of me 
My source of strength, my source of hope 

My source of strength, my source of hope 
Is Christ alone


"In Christ Alone" as written by

Donald A. Koch Andrew Shawn Craig

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group,

Capitol Christian Music Group





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