An ancient name given to followers of Jesus Christ was “The Way” (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:22). This name pointed to the fact that all of us are on some path, but that only Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life”, and no one can come to God “except through” him (John 14:6).
As Way of Grace Church, it is our desire as a church family to walk according to this new way made possible by Jesus and by the grace of God. We hope you will join us on this journey!
Our PURPOSE as a church is the same purpose Jesus had: the gospel sharing/disciple-making work of God. (Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 24:46-48). We believe the gospel ("good news") is ultimately a call to follow Jesus as Lord through the forgiveness of his cross and in the power of his resurrection. As individuals respond to that call through faith, we labor together to help them grow into disciples who also make disciples (see our Understanding Church resource pamphlet to learn more). This purpose corresponds to our vision statement:
For God's glory we strive to faithfully announce and fully apply Jesus, so that others might do the same.
Therefore serving in light of this vision means we will be a church who is teaching without compromise, and loving without exception.
Like supporting pillars, we also believe our PURPOSE includes Four Essentials of disciple-making:
We invite to One Lord, Jesus Christ, who has made a way of grace through his offering of love on the cross.
We integrate followers into One Body, the church, that community of followers who reveal God’s way of grace through the love of Jesus Christ.
We instruct according to One Truth, faithfully preserved in the Old and New Testaments, and our only authority in describing this way of grace through Jesus Christ.
We involve followers in One Mission, to declare and demonstrate the loving reign of Jesus Christ in order to invite others to this way of grace.
As we regularly walk and worship together in light of these Essentials, we believe we will grow as well-balanced disciples, better reflecting the image of Jesus.