Partnership Class

January 21, 2023

8:30am – 12:00pm

When it comes to important commitments, we think it's important to "make things official", don't we? A wedding for a marriage, a hearing for an adoption, a contract for a home, a certificate for a birth, an inauguration for a president.

But what about our commitment to the most important institution in the universe, the local church? If we are followers of Jesus, then God calls us to be committed to a local family of believers. But if we are committed, then how do we "make things official"? At Way of Grace, our answer is "Partnership".

For those ready to learn more or start the Partnership process, please join us for our Partnership Class. Not only is it a good chance to learn more about the Church and this church, but also to dialogue with others, as well as ask questions. We look forward to having you join us!

To learn more about Partnership with Way of Grace, click here.