Grace Extending

prayway booth

Way of Grace Family and Friends!

So pleased to report that we had a wonderful time again hosting our PrayWay Booth at the Buckeye Air Fair. A huge thanks to all those who served, and praise and thanks to God for the opportunities he provided for us. In addition to handing out tracts, Bibles, and cards about our upcoming “Community Sunday”, here are some of the highlights in terms of those God brought our way:

  • We had a short but meaningful interaction with 10-12 students from a local elementary school about Jesus and the gospel.
  • A mom who was manning another booth nearby stopped and asked for prayer for her daughter, in light of the death of the daughter's boyfriend the night before (and their early morning trip to the hospital). The next day, that same mom brought her daughter by the booth for prayer and encouragement.
  • Prayed for a local leader in light of a severe attack he experienced several years ago.
  • A man named Craig brought his 98-year old father by the booth, and we were able to pray together for his physical and spiritual well-being.
  • Prayed with the family of a soldier who is finally back in the states and eager to be reunited with his wife and kids.
  • A brother from Tolleson stopped by with his wife and four kids to ask for prayer for a tumor in his sinuses and the upcoming procedure to remove it.
  • We prayed for a young engaged couple who had just survived a recent car accident in San Diego, an accident in which the young woman's dog was killed. We prayed for injuries they sustained and their upcoming wedding.
  • Interestingly, the next visitors were another engaged couple who were seeking pray for their relationship and wedding. Over the next 25 minutes, were able to offer counsel and encouragement to them in light of some very hard issues. As booths were coming down around us that Sunday afternoon (since the event was ending), we were able to pray for this couple (who reassured us they would be visiting with us at church the next Sunday).

In addition to these encouraging interactions, we prayed for many, many more individuals, many were sick or had a sick loved one, many who were seeking wisdom, and still others who requested prayer for our country and the churches in our community, state, etc.. Wonderfully, we also had a chance to pray for many of you.

Thank you for praying for us we prayed for others, and please pray for other opportunities to serve our community in this way!

By the way, here's a new resource card that we gave to everyone with whom we prayed...










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